Welcome to my October 2016 Monthly EyeEm Income Report!
Whenever my photos sell through the EyeEm Market I will give you a detailed monthly report that shows you exactly how much you can make on EyeEm, including EyeEm Market, the EyeEm x Getty partnership and the EyeEm x Alamy partnership. I’ll also share any lessons learned, the photos that sold and the exact dollar amounts from each of my photo sales. So, to answer the question: ‘how much do you make on EyeEm?’, here goes!
Latest Goings On In October
So, picture this: It’s October 20th and I’m sat at my desk working on a client’s web design project when I have the realisation that I haven’t had any EyeEm sales this month. I stop working for a minute and think about what nuggets of wisdom I could share with you this month about making money on the EyeEm Market… And then I begin to feel a little bit relieved!
I’m sat with my chin rested in my hand thinking ‘maybe this is a good thing because now I can tell you that this is how it really is; some months you are just not going to get any sales…’ I let the thought linger for a while, my mind mapping out how I would write the post, before getting back to work and feeling happy that I still had something to share with you.
But those nuggets of wisdom will have to wait for another month because the very next day I got a bunch of notifications telling me that I had new sales!
That’s right. 20 days into the month with absolutely no sales and then 10 sales come all at once. The EyeEm Market works in mysterious ways.
So what’s going on here? Because all of the images sold this month are from the Getty partnership I would assume that the sales information from Getty are passed onto EyeEm all at once.
Did I really make 10 sales in one single day? Sure, it’s possible, but I think it’s more likely that they were spread out over the month and then Getty would pass the details to EyeEm when it has a considerable amount of sales.
Last month I said that the EyeEm School of Photography could help me to get more photos on EyeEm – since moving back to England in August I’ve been super busy – and well, it hasn’t. This is my fault alone as again this month I’ve just had too much going on. I’m simply not used to juggling so much: starting up my freelance business, having friends and family so close, training and completing the UK’s toughest half marathon… It’s been quite a month.
I’m even 4 weeks behind on my weekly vlogs! That means I have a whole lot of editing to do over the next few days to catch up.
Now, although I’ve been too busy to get out and take photos for the EyeEm School of Photography I have actually been following along and enjoying the content. I had originally thought that the lessons would be more relevant and customised to EyeEm but it appears that they are primarily select parts of Creative Live courses instead. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as I really like the Creative Live courses, it just feels a bit like a missed opportunity to really tap into the more relevant EyeEm community and let them share their thoughts and processes. A good example of an EyeEm member who is sharing their own processes would be the recent photography course by EyeEm favourite Porter Yates and I highly recommend it.
If you haven’t got involved with the EyeEm School of Photography yet be sure that you check it out. There are still many weeks left and many great tips to be discovered, you can find out more over on the EyeEm School of Photography page.
OK, ready to see this months EyeEm Market sales?
EyeEm Photo Sales & Earnings Breakdown
The following figures show the exact earnings I have received by selling my photos on the EyeEm Market. These numbers show the exact amount available for me to withdraw into my bank account.
Total this month: $84.27
The ‘total this month’ amount counts all sales that happened from the 1st calendar day of the month to the last.
Number of images sold this month: 10
The ‘number of images sold this month’ amount is also based on the 1st calendar day of the month to the last.
Total to date: $1,330.27
The ‘total to date’ amount is the grand total of all earnings made from selling photos on the EyeEm Market, up to and including this month.
Images That Sold This Month
Here are the images that sold this month through EyeEm, including how much I received from the sale and which EyeEm Market vendor it sold through.
$ 55.79 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3.00 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3.00 x 6 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 4.48 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
Lessons Learned In October
In many parts of the world October is a month of ghosts and ghouls, with Halloween celebrations being the highlight of the month, so it’s only natural to be a little jumpy and on edge. Selling photos online can seem to be a little scary because on top of trying to take great images you are also trying to express yourself, put your work out there for people to judge and tell yourself that your work is good enough for people to buy. Oh, also, let’s not forget that you might not see any sales come in all month!
This months lesson learned is this: Patience young grasshopper.
The EyeEm Market is an awesome way to gain some passive income but it does take some work. However, when you know how to set up a strong foundation (and you put in the hard work to match) all you have to do is give it time.
Until next month, keep shooting and uploading!
Ps – Over the coming months I will be working on creating a number of resources that will help you increase your own EyeEm Market sales. That strong foundation I mentioned above, I’ll be diving into that and be sharing with you exactly what I did to stand out from the crowd. Stay tuned!