Welcome to my June 2016 Monthly EyeEm Income Report!
Whenever my photos sell through the EyeEm Market I will give you a detailed monthly report that shows you exactly how much you can make on EyeEm, including EyeEm Market, the EyeEm x Getty partnership and the EyeEm x Alamy partnership. I’ll also share any lessons learned, the photos that sold and the exact dollar amounts from each of my photo sales. So, to answer the question: ‘how much do you make on EyeEm?’, here goes!
Latest Goings On In June
June has been another fairly slow month for my photography, but that’s all about to change! This month was also the last month at my current job in Bangkok which means that I am now officially unemployed – eek! So what does this mean for my photography? Well for the past few months… Actually since January I’ve not had time to sit down, edit and upload my images. Sure, I’ve done a few here and there but in reality it has been barely any.
I’ve got a tonne of photos that are just waiting for some TLC before being sent out into the world and now, for the next month at-least, I should have some free time to edit.
July is also my final month of living in Bangkok and, after 4 years of living in this amazing city, Jade and I are heading back to England in August. Until the big (and no doubt emotional) day I’ll be relaxing, enjoying some down time in Thailand and hopefully uploading some of the many photos I’ve got stashed away from this years adventures.
Alright, onwards we go!
EyeEm Photo Sales & Earnings Breakdown
The following figures show the exact earnings I have received by selling my photos on the EyeEm Market. These numbers show the exact amount available for me to withdraw into my bank account.
Total to date: $958.58
The ‘total to date’ amount is the grand total of all earnings made from selling photos on the EyeEm Market, up to and including this month.
Total this month: $31.83
The ‘total this month’ amount counts all sales that happened from the 1st calendar day of the month to the last.
Number of images sold this month: 7
The ‘number of images sold this month’ amount is also based on the 1st calendar day of the month to the last.
Images That Sold This Month
Here are the images that sold this month on EyeEm, including how much I received from their sale and through which EyeEm Market partnership (if any).
$ 5.00 Standard License
$ 7.00 Standard License
$ 7.00 Standard License
$ 4.00 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3.50 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3.00 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
$ 3.00 Partner License – Getty Images via The EyeEm Collection
Lessons Learned In June
Quite a mixed bag this month – although, as always, I’m certainly not complaining! More sales than last month but they were all very small. Although I’m leaving my job this month it’s looking unlikely that I’m going to be able to live off my EyeEm sales. In all honesty though I think I could be doing so much more. Again this month I didn’t really do anything in order for these photos to sell, that’s the magic of the EyeEm Market: real passive income.
After all the craziness of moving back to the UK has settled down I want to really push myself and how I use EyeEm even more. I believe our drastic change in lifestyle will allow me to spend more downtime with photography and hopefully this will increase my sales through EyeEm.
The photo of the flowers is still going strong (possibly my most purchased image) but this isn’t really a photo that I enjoy. Sure, it’s nice enough but there are some others that sold this month that I really like. The shot of me walking up a trail on Mount Snowden and the shot of Jade looking out onto Mount Fuji are some of my favourites. The emotional attachment I have to these images could be partly why people purchase them: buyers want real images that can evoke feelings. If these images can do it for me then they can for other people too, and buyers know this.
So what’s my final thought this month? Well I was going to say that any progress (no matter how small the victory or the sale) is still progress but I think what really matters is this:
Go out and take photos that make you feel something. Not only will you enjoy your photos more but you will also create connections with people through your photos, and buyers know this all too well.
Got any questions? Let me know in the comments below. Good luck next month!